2024 Resources

Policy Survey Crosswalk

  • Policy Survey Crosswalk Policy Survey Crosswalk

    This crosswalk documents the changes that have been made to the Policy Survey questions between 2022 and 2024. It outlines changes in question numbering, question wording, and answer options, and notes which questions have comment spaces available so respondents can provide further details on their answers.

EAVS Glossary

  • EAVS Glossary EAVS Glossary

    This glossary contains nearly 150 terms and phrases used in the survey questions for the 2024 EAVS and Policy Survey. The purpose of this glossary is to assist the state and local election officials who respond to these surveys in understanding the survey questions and providing data that are accurate and comprehensive, as well as to establish data consistency across states and jurisdictions.

EAVS Policy Guide

  • A Guide to the Election Administration and Voting Survey A Guide to the Election Administration and Voting Survey

    This document provides information to election officials responsible for completing the EAVS and Policy Survey. It outlines what data are collected, the process and timeline for data submissions, how the EAC reports the results of the data, how updates to EAVS data sets are released to the public, and how the EAC makes changes to the survey questions. This document is especially useful to state election officials who are new to leading the EAVS for their state or territory.

Planned Changes to Section A of the 2024 EAVS

  • Planned Changes to 2024 EAVS Section A Planned Changes to 2024 EAVS Section A

    This report was originally released in 2022 and provides information about changes the EAC will be implementing to Section A of the 2024 EAVS. This document can be shared with data vendors, IT staff, local election officials, and others who will be involved in providing voter registration data.

Archived Resources

Resources from previous EAVS surveys can be found here: